Freshers SAP Basis jobs walkin in Raigarh jobs in August september 2013 by Jindal Steel : Jindal Steel Invite Careers freshers SAP Basis job openings walkin in Raigarh in August September 2013 . you can get Jindal Steel SAP Basis jobs walkin Recruitment August september 2013 full details of Jindal Steel Careers SAP Basis for freshers . the work location for this SAP Basis jobs is Raigarh. Jindal Steel will looking for this SAP Basis Careers for the candidate who should be passed any Graduate or .B.E/ B.Tech/ B.Sc/ Others degree qualifications . This Jindal Steel Careers Mainly Careers for this SAP Basis job is to full fill the SAP Basis vacancies in Jindal Steel in Raigarhand also reaming cities so here we provide all Jindal Steel freshers Careers and walkin in information . so we request you can visit daily for our blog to get more details of Jindal Steel Recruitment August september 2013
Compnay Name Jindal Steel
Jindal Steel Careers SAP Basis job Eligibility : B.E/ B.Tech/ B.Sc/ Others.
Fresher/Exp: Freshers (0 to 4 years)
Job Name : SAP Basis
Salary: Best in Industry.
Work Location: Raigarh
Company website: www.Jindal Steel .com
Other job Details of the Jindal Steel SAP Basis Careers August september 2013
- 1) Candidate should have Two full life cycle implementation and upgrade projects experience in user industries.
- - Hardware capacity planning, high availability and D.R. solutions.
- Backup and recovery
- - Experience in Netweaver Java Administration, Performance Tuning, Configuration, Patch management, SLD configuration and JSPM.
- - Experience in apply Support Packages, OSS Notes, SAP kernel patches, Oracle Patch set and MO Patches.
- - Proactive monitoring using CCMS/Solution Manager
- - Knowledge of AIX/Linux/Solaris operating systems and Oracle 11g database administration.
- - Experience in cloud computing system & virtualization.
For More Details & Apply Here
All candidates Like Our face book Google plus pages to Get More details and latest jobs of Jindal Steel SAP Basis job Opening RaigarhAugust september 2013 . we will updated latest jobs in our freshers walkin blog so please follow daily to get more jobs this site is mainly ofr it jobs for freshers in mncs companies
Starts: 07/15/2013 12:00PM
Ends: 2013-08-31:00.000